πŸ€–Lady Swapbot


  • Multichain In Telegram Swap Bot

  • Made for investors to use instead of pcs, uniswap, voltage or quick swap! Investors can dm the bot and follow the prompts on the screen.

  • An internal wallet is created for each individual person.

  • The pk is sent to that individual alone and is only seen by that person. We URGE investors to never give out the private keys or seed phrases to any wallets whatsoever!

  • The swap is currently running on 13 chains at the moment and there will be a more chains in the next updates!

  • FEE is 2% per transaction.

This bot will be decommissioned at some point because we have integrated the entire swap bot into the public sniper t.me/the_ladybot the database is 100% the same so there is no need to do anything to use the sniper.

Don't forget to make sure you have 2500 $LADY base in the v2 swap bot wallet so you're all set to use the sniper!

Last updated